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Special topic: Buffett's 2024 shareholders' meeting hit

Beijing News reporter Xu Yuting editor Fang Jingyi


May 3 to May 5 local time in the United StatesOne3reelBerkshire Hathaway's annual shareholders' meeting, known as the "Spring Festival Gala in the investment community", was held in Warren Buffett's hometown of Omaha, Nebraska.

"I don't know anything about AI artificial intelligence, but that doesn't mean it's not important," Warren Buffett said at the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders' meeting on May 4. The development of AI makes me a little nervous, and generative AI makes me suddenly appear in a picture, which is hard to tell from the real one. Fraud has been appearing in the United States all the time, and AI certainly has the opportunity to do good things. I think AI has great potential to do good and bad things, so it can only happen naturally in the future. "

Warren Buffett: will not make a large number of stock purchases, will control the number of shares in circulation

Warren Buffett told Berkshire Hathaway shareholders that there will be no more large stock purchases because many companies will not sell shares in large amounts. In the stock repurchase, it will also be cautious enough to control the number of shares in circulation.

Warren Buffett also said that by the end of the season, the company's cash and Treasury bills will reach $200 billion. Do not mind continuing to grow in cash holdings, and will see what alternatives are available in the stock market and equity market.

Warren Buffett: no plans to invest in BYD for the time being

On the issue of investing in BYD, Warren Buffett said at the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders' meeting that the company's main investment targets are in the United States, and the companies the company invests in the United States, American Express and Coca-Cola, all have global business. it is a priority for global consumers, and it is difficult to find targets that match them.

Warren Buffett said: "the investment in BYD is similar to the commitment we made in Japan five years ago. We spent a year investing in five Japanese businesses." Rarely do we make such a big investment outside the United States. We will focus on the United States as our main investment direction. We have considered many companies, such as BYD, but the company has no such plans, and of course it is not impossible. The situation is different from place to place, and the company will never tolerate losing money. "

Warren Buffett: Apple is still the biggest investment in the long term, but it won't hold it.

Warren Buffett told Berkshire Hathaway shareholders that Apple is still the biggest investment in the long term, but for now, it will no longer hold cash and will pay attention to what alternatives are available. At present, the company still owns a lot of Apple stock, which we see as business, not just stock.

'when we go to allocate money, we look at every company, not just to pick stocks, 'Mr. Buffett said. We will still hold the shares of American Express, Apple and Coca-Cola for a long time, which has been a great success in the past.

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Category: Sports

Title: one3reel|巴菲特:AI生成图片真假难辨让我紧张


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