play777casino| Financial report express: Pawa shares had a net loss of 41.5424 million yuan in the first quarter of 2024

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April twenty _ seventhPlay777casinoThe A-share listed company Pawa shares released its first-quarter results report in 2024. Of which, the net loss is 4154.Play777casino240,000 yuan, stopping profits and turning losses.

According to the comprehensive operation and follow-up analysis of more than 1200 financial indicators of its financial data in the current period and the past five years, according to the financial diagnosis model of flush (300033), the overall financial situation of Pawa shares in the past five years is lower than the industry average. Specifically, the quality of assets is good.

Net loss of 4154Play777casino240,000 yuan to stop profits and turn losses

play777casino| Financial report express: Pawa shares had a net loss of 41.5424 million yuan in the first quarter of 2024

In terms of revenue and profit, the company achieved a total operating income of 394 million yuan in the reporting period, an increase of 60.04% over the same period last year, a net loss of 41.5424 million yuan, and a net profit of 6.4351 million yuan in the same period last year, with a basic earnings per share of-0.26 yuan.

Pawa shares said that the reason for the change in operating income was that the company's single crystal, high voltage and ultra-high voltage ternary precursor materials had obvious performance-to-price ratio advantages, and during the reporting period, the permeability of the technology route in the ternary plate increased, and the company's shipments increased significantly compared with the same period last year. The reasons for the change in net profit are as follows: intensified competition in the industry, the decline in the level of corporate gross profit margin, and the superposition of the impact of increased provision for bad debts on accounts receivable, resulting in a decline in relevant profit indicators.

In terms of assets, during the company's reporting period, the total assets at the end of the period were 4.121 billion yuan and accounts receivable were 348 million yuan; in terms of cash flow, the net cash flow generated by business activities was-112 million yuan, and the cash received by selling goods and providing services was 438 million yuan.

There are two financial highlights.

According to the relevant financial information released by Pawa shares, there are two financial highlights in the company, as follows:

The index type reviews that the proportion of interest-paying debt is 0.005%, and the pressure on debt repayment is very small. Revenue growth in the current growth period compared with the same period last yearPlay777casinoBy 60.04%, the income growth performance is excellent.

The financial situation is poor, there are 7 financial risks

According to the relevant financial information published by Pawa shares, there are seven financial risks in the company, as follows:

The average rate of return on net assets is 2.83%, and the company's ability to make money is poor. The average year-on-year growth rate of performance deduction non-net profit is-55.14%, and the company's growth ability is very weak. The average year-on-year growth rate of net profit is-24.98%, and the growth of the company is very low. The average turnover rate of inventory is 1.57 (times / year), and the ability to realize inventory is poor. The average turnover rate of total operating assets is 0.33 (times / year), and the operating efficiency of the company is very low. The average cash content of income and net profit is-61.11%, and the company's cash flow is weak. In the growth period, the deduction of non-net profit decreased by 18779.96% compared with the same period last year, and the profit dropped greatly.

Overall, the overall financial situation of Pawa shares is lower than the industry average, with a current total score of 0.65, ranking at the bottom of the 377 companies in the power equipment industry. Specifically, the quality of assets is good.

The scores of the indicators are as follows:

Index type previous period score ranking evaluation asset quality 4.033.54111 higher solvency 4.682.79168 still available cash flow 0.490.50340 weaker growth ability 3.230.20363 weaker profitability 2.800.17365 lower operating capacity 0.210.16366 poor total score 2.450.65366 lower than industry average

On the large model of financial diagnosis of flush

Flush (300033) Financial diagnosis model calculates the company's financial scores, highlights and risks based on the company's latest and previous financial data and industry conditions, reflecting the company's disclosed financial position, but not a forecast of the future financial position. The financial score range is 0-5. The higher the score, the better the financial situation and the greater the value of the medium-and long-term investment. In the financial highlights and risk reviews, the five-year average of the indicators related to the "average" keyword, and the latest reporting period data without the "average" keyword. All the above information is based on artificial intelligence algorithm, for reference only, does not represent flush financial point of view, investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.

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Title: play777casino| Financial report express: Pawa shares had a net loss of 41.5424 million yuan in the first quarter of 2024


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