fibaworldcup2023asia| dividend daily| There are several popular dividend strategies, what are the differences?

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At present, the dividend strategy index can be roughly divided into three categories: pure dividend index, dividend low-wave index and dividend quality index.

fibaworldcup2023asia| dividend daily| There are several popular dividend strategies, what are the differences?

The S & P A-share dividend index tracked by the S & P Dividend ETF (562060) is a pure dividend indexfibaworldcup2023asiaThis is also a very classic strategy. Stock selection around dividend yield, because a single factor maximizes exposure, the dividend yield is often high. At the same time, the distribution of positions and industries is relatively balanced, and the style is relatively stable.

The dividend low-wave index is based on the classic dividend strategy and superimposes low-wave factors, so in a volatile market or bear market environment, the defensive attributes are more obvious.

The dividend quality index is a superimposed quality factor, so it is relatively more growth-oriented and aggressive.

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Category: Society

Title: fibaworldcup2023asia| dividend daily| There are several popular dividend strategies, what are the differences?


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