worldclasspoker| Gather ESG power to create a better life| Bank of Jiangsu takes innovative measures to care for working mothers and protect women's rights and interests

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It is said that in May, everything good will come to you. As the spring breeze fades away and the breath of summer quietly arrives, we welcome it on the second Sunday of May.worldclasspokerMother's Day.

As a company with a majority of female employees, Bank of Jiangsu has been actively practicing ESG concepts, fulfilling corporate social responsibilities, and protecting the rights and interests of every mother in accordance with laws and regulations. In the case of female employees getting married, pregnant, maternity leave, nursing, etc., ensure wages and related benefits, and pay statutory maternity allowances on time during maternity leave or family planning leave.

Bank of Jiangsu has integrated existing employee bookstores, activity centers and other places into a "Carnation Service Station", inviting psychological counselors, doctors, lawyers, matchmakers and other experts to settle in, and regularly provide psychological care, childcare, legal aid and other services to female employees. As of the end of 2023, a total of 34 carnation service stations for female employees have been built.

Bank of Jiangsu has also opened the "Boya Juxian Women's School" to create three major teaching systems from the perspective of women's workplace: "emotional release, charm bloom, and flowers bloom". Organize and carry out various forms of women's care activities, pay attention to the physical and mental health of female employees, help female employees improve their work skills and abilities, and expand career development space.

In recent years, Bank of Jiangsu has practiced the social responsibility concept of "integrating good minds and creating beauty in actions", actively carried out environmental (E), social (S) and governance (G) practices, and is committed to enriching the people, financial convenience, and financial benefit., integrating ESG forces with practical actions, and working with society, customers, environment and other stakeholders to create a better life.

Bank of Jiangsu has disclosed its annual social responsibility report for 11 consecutive years and disclosed corporate ESG reports for 3 consecutive years. It has won the "Most Socially Responsible Financial Institution Award" and "Best Inclusive Financial Effectiveness Award" from the China Banking Association, and the Sixth Session of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government."Jiangsu Charity Award-The Most Caring Charitable Donor Unit", Jiangsu Province's "May Day" Labor Award,"China Bank Insurance News""" Jinnuo·China Financial Top Ten Social Responsibility Reports of the Year "award,"China Times""Annual Social Responsibility Award","Securities Times""China Banking ESG Practice Tianji Award" and other honors.

My mother gave birth to life and raised young children. Through years, she worked hard and bore grievances. The home with her will always be warm, and with her company, she will always feel at ease. May 12 is Mother's Day. May all mothers smile like flowers and never lose their beauty throughout their lives.

worldclasspoker| Gather ESG power to create a better life| Bank of Jiangsu takes innovative measures to care for working mothers and protect women's rights and interests

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Category: Society

Title: worldclasspoker| Gather ESG power to create a better life| Bank of Jiangsu takes innovative measures to care for working mothers and protect women's rights and interests


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