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Domestic weather conditions

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Heavy to local torrential rain occurred in some areas such as Hubei, Jiangxi, Guangdong and so on.

From 8: 00 yesterday to 6: 00 today, heavy to torrential rain occurred in southeastern Guizhou, southeastern Hubei, northern Hunan, northern and southern Jiangxi, and northern and southwestern Guangdong. Hubei Xianning, Jiangxi Jiujiang, Guangdong Jiangmen, Yangjiang and Zhanjiang local torrential rain (100,239 mm), Zhanjiang local torrential rain (368 mm).

2. Key weather forecast

There was a torrential rain in northern Guangdong and southern Jiangxi on the 4th, and the heavy precipitation in the south weakened significantly after 5 days.

From May 4 to 5, Hunan, Jiangxi, southeastern Anhui, western Zhejiang, western Fujian, Guangxi, Guangdong, northern Hainan Island and other placesMondcasinonodepositbonusThere are heavy to torrential rain and local torrential rain in some areas.

The above-mentioned areas are accompanied by severe convective weather such as thunderstorms, strong winds or hail.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continues to issue rainstorm yellow warning and severe convective weather blue warning at 06:00 on May 4: it is expected that from 08:00 on May 4th to 08:00 on May 5, there will be heavy to torrential rain in southeastern Hunan, most of Jiangxi, southeastern Anhui, western Zhejiang, western Fujian, eastern Guangxi, central and western Guangdong, and northern Hainan Island. Torrential rains (100,180mm) have occurred in parts of northwestern Guangdong, central and southern Jiangxi (see figure 1).

Some of the above areas are accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation (the maximum hourly rainfall is 20,50mm, and the maximum hourly rainfall can exceed 70mm). There will be thunderstorm gale or hail weather in some areas such as central and southern Jiangxi, north-central Guangxi, central and western Guangdong, and so on. Among them, there will be more than 10 thunderstorm gales in central and northern Guangxi and central Guangdong, and the maximum wind force will reach 11 (see figure 2).


Domestic specific forecast for the next three days

From 08:00 to 08:00 on May 5, moderate to heavy rain occurred in most of Jianghuai, most of Jiangnan, eastern Hubei, and most of South China. Torrential rain or torrential rain occurred in parts of southeastern Hunan, south-central Jiangxi, northwest Fujian, eastern Guangxi, northwest Guangdong and southern coastal areas.

There are small to moderate snow or sleet and heavy snow in the high-altitude mountain areas of eastern Xizang and northeastern Inner Mongolia, while there is blowing sand or floating dust in southern Xinjiang. There are force 4-6 winds in some areas, such as central and eastern Inner Mongolia, central northeast, western Xizang, northern Zhejiang and so on (see figure 3).

There will be southerly winds of 6-7 and 8 gusts in the east-central and southeast of the Yellow Sea and the northern East China Sea, and southerly winds of 8 and 9 in some areas.

From 08:00 to 08:00 on May 5th, there was light to moderate rain in central Inner Mongolia, north-central North China, eastern and southern Northeast China, Yili River Valley in Xinjiang, southern Xizang, southern Qinghai, western Sichuan Plateau, western and southeastern Yunnan, southern Chongqing, Guizhou, most of Jianghuai, most of Jiangnan, most of South China and Taiwan Island. Heavy rain (25mm / 45mm) occurred in southeastern Jilin, eastern Liaoning, southeastern Xizang, southwestern Guizhou, southeastern Yunnan and western Guangxi.

In the high-altitude mountain areas of eastern Xizang and the northern part of the western Sichuan Plateau, there is light to moderate snow or sleet, and there is heavy snow in the local area. In some areas, such as the central and western part of the northeast region, the Yili River Valley in Xinjiang, Hexi in Gansu, and the middle of Xizang, there are winds of force 4 to 5 (see figure 4).

There will be southerly winds of 6-7 and 8 gusts in the east-central and southeast of the Yellow Sea and the northern East China Sea, and southerly winds of 8 and 9 in some areas.

From 08:00 to 08:00 on May 6th, there was light to moderate rain in the eastern part of Northeast China, central, western and southern North China, western and northern Xinjiang, southeastern Xizang, most of Sichuan, Yunnan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Hunan, southern Jiangxi, most of South China, eastern Jianghuai and Taiwan Island.

Among them, there was heavy rain (25mm to 45mm) in southern and western Hunan, southern Chongqing, east-central Guizhou and eastern Guangxi.

There is light to moderate snow or sleet in some areas such as the east of Xizang and southern Qinghai. There are force 4-6 winds in northeastern Heilongjiang, northern and southern Liaoning, eastern and southern Xinjiang, and Hexi, Gansu (see figure 5).

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Category: Society

Title: mondcasinonodepositbonus|未来三天国内天气预报(5月4日)


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