crashteamracingonlinemultiplayer| 20% sealing per second! A-share crazy track, suddenly showing a rising tide!

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In early trading today, A shares rebounded sharply across the board, with the CSI 1000 index rising more than 3 per cent and other major stock indexes up more than 1 per cent. More than 4900 stocks in the two markets were red, of which more than 400 shares rose by the limit or more than 10 per cent.

crashteamracingonlinemultiplayer| 20% sealing per second! A-share crazy track, suddenly showing a rising tide!

On the disk, micro-disk stocks, low-altitude economy, PEEK materials, artificial intelligence and other plates led the rise, oil, coal, wine and other a few plates slightly adjusted.

Micro-disk stocks rebound in retaliation

Micro-disk stocks, which have plummeted in recent days, ushered in a Jedi counterattack today, with the sector index rising more than 9% in retaliation.

Individual stocks set off a rising limit, New Power, Taixiang shares, Dawei shares, Haichang New Materials and other batches rose 20%, while AIA ceiling, Gui Fa Xiang, Shanshui Bide and Hualan Group rose more than 150 shares or more than 10%.

The "opinions on the strict implementation of the delisting system" issued by the Securities and Futures Commission last weekend was misunderstood by the market, causing the microdisk stock index to fall 8% on Monday.Crashteamracingonlinemultiplayer.77%, another 10.46% drop on Tuesday.

Yesterday, Guo Ruiming, director of the Supervision Department of listed companies of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, answered questions about dividends and delisting, pointing out that the view that "delisting rules are revised mainly for small-cap stocks" is pure misunderstanding. this delisting index adjustment is aimed at strengthening efforts to clear out "zombie empty shells" and "black sheep", not for "small-cap stocks". In terms of standard setting, transition period, etc.CrashteamracingonlinemultiplayerSafe arrangements will not have an impact on the market in the short term.

Guo Ruiming stressed that the conditions set by the rules fully take into account the large R & D investment of Science and Technology Innovation Board and gem enterprises, and some enterprises are still in the early stage of the development of the industry. For enterprises with high R & D intensity (the cumulative R & D investment accounts for more than 15% of the cumulative operating income in the last three fiscal years) or large R & D investment (more than 300 million yuan in three years), even if the dividend does not meet the above conditions, ST will not be implemented. Based on 2020 Mel 2022 data, only more than 80 companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen are likely to hit this standard.

Guo Ruiming further pointed out that according to estimates, the number of companies that apply portfolio financial indicators to delisting in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets is expected to be about 30 next year; about 100 companies may hit this index and implement delisting risk warnings next year. These companies still have more than a year and a half to improve their operations and quality, and will not be delisted until the end of 2025. In terms of market capitalization indicators, only four main board companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen currently have a market capitalization of less than 500 million yuan, while Science and Technology Innovation Board and gem do not have a delisting target of nearly 300 million yuan.

Founder Securities believes that not all small and micro market value stocks are junk stocks. The growth and investment value of many small and medium-sized market value stocks are very high, especially the leading stocks of the technology growth subdivision track have medium-and long-term investment value and have been mistakenly killed in this round of structural adjustment, but the investment value has risen instead of falling.

Looking to the future, founder Securities said more optimistically that under the guidance of the "National Nine articles" policy, it will speed up the clearing of the market, speed up the structural adjustment of the market, return the true face of the capital market, and the cycle of structural adjustment of A shares will be greatly shortened. the time window for the start of the bull market will accelerate and shorten, and the medium-term rising market of A-shares will be getting closer and closer to the market.

Low-altitude economy takes off again

After the return of the king of the low-altitude economy in the morning, the sector index rose more than 8 per cent in intraday trading, making up for yesterday's downward jump gap. Golden Shield shares, Yibo Technology, Sujiaoko and other strong 20% limit, Wanan Technology, Kaizhong shares, Citic Haizhi and other more than 30 shares rose by the limit or more than 10%.

On the news side, Jiangsu Province has recently distributed a low-altitude economy in many places. Suzhou will hold a conference on the promotion of low-altitude economic development on April 18, at which a series of policy measures will be issued to sign a number of fund projects and construction projects for a number of related institutions and to promote the application scenarios of Suzhou's low-altitude economy, so as to promote the high-quality development of Suzhou's low-altitude economy.

On April 15, Wuxi low-altitude economy and high-quality development work promotion meeting was held. Du Xiaogang, secretary of the Wuxi Municipal CPC Committee, said at the meeting that it is necessary to speed up the promotion of high-quality development of the low-altitude economy, strive to create a new engine for the development of new quality productive forces, and strive to build Wuxi into a highland for the development of low-altitude economic industries in the Yangtze River Delta and a national low-altitude economic innovation demonstration zone.

Earlier, Nanjing also held a "face-to-face service enterprise" activity with the theme of low-altitude economy, and relevant enterprises, industry experts, and relevant departments discussed enthusiastically around the development of low-altitude economy at the symposium to discuss the development strategy and path of Nanjing's low-altitude economy.

Sujiaoko, as a leading enterprise in the transportation industry in Jiangsu Province, said on an interactive platform a few days ago that it is intensively arranging low-altitude application flight services, UAV equipment testing and appraisal, low-altitude flight training, low-altitude economic industrial development research, low-altitude flight infrastructure and regulatory system construction, and various application scenarios planning and development in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. Aiming at the government main body, investment platform main body and market application main body, open up the new scene of low-altitude flight service, build a new low-altitude transportation system, incubate the low-altitude economic industry new business type, based on the economic development of low-altitude industry and the construction of transportation system.

Sujiaoko has been extremely strong in the recent sharp adjustment of A-shares, and its volume rose against the trend yesterday, hitting 20% in intraday trading, a new high in nearly a year. Today is high opening seconds after the limit, the stock price hit a new high in nearly 2 years.

Everbright Securities (rights protection) pointed out that with the development of low-altitude economy-related industries, low-altitude manufacturing, flight control, security and other directions are expected to be laid out in advance. Be optimistic about the development opportunities of the main aircraft factory and core supporting enterprises of flight platform, air traffic control system and operation advantage enterprises, low-altitude airport and guarantee construction core enterprises.

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Category: Health

Title: crashteamracingonlinemultiplayer| 20% sealing per second! A-share crazy track, suddenly showing a rising tide!


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