pokervideoonline|傲农生物2023年营收194.58亿 董事长吴有林薪酬62.57万

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Digging shellfish on May 6PokervideoonlineAonong Biology (603363) (603363) recently released its annual report for 2023, and the company achieved operating income during the reporting period.Pokervideoonline, 457641131Pokervideoonline.79 yuan, down 9.97% from the same period last year; the net profit belonging to shareholders of listed companies was-3650822227.67 yuan, an increase over the same period last year.

The net cash flow generated by operating activities during the reporting period was 984006832.75 yuan, and the net assets belonging to shareholders of listed companies were-962969028.19 yuan.

During the reporting period, the company realized feed income of 10.6935351 billion yuan, a decrease of 8.05% over the same period last year, and realized feed export sales of 2.7201 million tons, a decrease of 8.34% over the same period last year. The gross profit margin of the feed business was 6.67%, an increase of 2.03 percentage points over the same period last year. During the reporting period, the main reason for the decrease in feed sales and income compared with the same period last year was that the overall downstream farming market was not good, the company took the initiative to close some inefficient leasing factories for aquatic feed, and the demand for pig feed market declined. The company's pig feed sales declined. In terms of sales structure, during the reporting period, pig feed sales were 1.6589 million tons, down 4.67% from the same period last year; poultry feed sales were 678200 tons, down 5.34% from the same period last year;PokervideoonlineThe sales of other materials (aquatic products, ruminants and others) were 383100 tons, down 25.04% from the same period last year. In 2023, the company completed feed production of 3.239 million tons, including pig feed production of 2.3944 million tons.

According to the announcement, the remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior managers totaled 12.486 million yuan during the reporting period. Chairman and general manager Wu Youlin received a total pre-tax compensation of 625700 yuan from the company.

The disclosure of the announcement shows that the profit distribution plan or provident fund increase equity plan adopted by the board of directors in 2023 does not plan to distribute profits, pay cash dividends or increase equity through provident fund. This profit distribution plan needs to be submitted to the company's 2023 annual general meeting for consideration.

pokervideoonline|傲农生物2023年营收194.58亿 董事长吴有林薪酬62.57万

During the reporting period, the company realized the net profit belonging to the shareholders of the listed company-3650822227.67 yuan, and the cumulative undistributed profit of the parent company at the end of the period was-1449244380.68 yuan. The reason why the company plans not to carry out profit distribution in 2023 is: in recent years, due to the cyclical influence of the pig breeding industry, low pig prices, the company's overall operating performance has suffered losses for three consecutive years, and the company needs to be more cautious in capital reserves and cash flow management. In order to ensure the sound operation of the company, improve the company's asset-liability structure, and comprehensively consider the capital structure, investment investment and future development and other factors, the company plans not to distribute profits in 2023.

According to the data of, Aonong Biology is a high-tech agricultural and animal husbandry enterprise guided by standardization, standardization, intensification and industrialization. The company's main business includes feed, pig raising, food and other industries.

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Category: Health

Title: pokervideoonline|傲农生物2023年营收194.58亿 董事长吴有林薪酬62.57万


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