candycrushsagaseries| How to calculate the amount corrected internal rate of return-Advantages and disadvantages of the difference corrected internal rate of return

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Calculation method of difference modified Internal rate of return and Analysis of its advantages and disadvantages

The difference-corrected internal rate of return (hereinafter referred to as "modified IRR") is in the process of investment project evaluation.CandycrushsagaseriesA method to modify the original internal rate of return (IRR). This article will introduce in detail the calculation method of the modified IRR and its advantages and disadvantages to help investors better understand and use this evaluation tool.

1. Modified calculation method of IRR

The calculation process of the modified IRR is mainly divided into the following steps:

oneCandycrushsagaseries. First, calculate the original IRR. The original IRR refers to the discount rate that makes the net present value (NPV) of the project equal to zero. The specific calculation method is as follows:

NPV = ∑ (CFt / (1+IRR) t)

Where CFt represents the cash flow at time t, and t represents time (usually in years).

two。 Then, the modified IRR is calculated. The revised IRR is a new index obtained by adjusting the original IRR, taking into account the actual investment proportion and capital cost of the project. The specific calculation formula is as follows:

candycrushsagaseries| How to calculate the amount corrected internal rate of return-Advantages and disadvantages of the difference corrected internal rate of return

Modified IRR = original IRR-(WACC × (1-investment ratio))

Among them, WACC represents the weighted average cost of capital, and the investment ratio represents the proportion of the actual investment in the project to the total investment.

Second, correct the advantages and disadvantages of IRR


1. The modified IRR can more accurately reflect the actual return on investment of the project. By considering the actual investment ratio and capital cost, the revised IRR can more truly reflect the profitability of the project.

two。 The correction of IRR helps investors to manage risks. By revising the IRR, investors can have a clearer understanding of the actual returns of the project, thus better weighing risks and returns in investment decisions.

3. Correcting IRR helps to improve the objectivity of project evaluation. The modified IRR eliminates the subjective judgment errors that may exist in the original IRR and makes the evaluation results more objective.


1. The calculation process of modified IRR is complicated. Compared with the original IRR, the modified IRR needs more parameters to calculate, which makes the operation more difficult for investors.

two。 Modified IRR requires higher accuracy of data. The modified IRR calculation involves several parameters, and the error of any one of the data may lead to the deviation of the calculation results.

3. Fixed that IRR may be affected by the market environment. When the market environment changes, the revised IRR may not accurately reflect the real benefits of the project.

Summing up the above, the difference correction internal rate of return, as a method of investment project evaluation, can more accurately reflect the actual income of the project. However, when using the modified IRR, investors need to pay attention to factors such as computational complexity and data accuracy to ensure the validity of the evaluation results.

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Category: Sports

Title: candycrushsagaseries| How to calculate the amount corrected internal rate of return-Advantages and disadvantages of the difference corrected internal rate of return


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