fivecardpoker| Huasei Navigation: The company is the exclusive supplier of IMU-BOX for Xiaomi SU7 series products

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Huasei Navigation: The company is Xiaomi SU7 series productsfivecardpokerAccording to Securities Times e Company, China Testing Navigation (300627) accepted an agency survey on April 26 that the company has completed the construction of a vehicle regulation-level automated production line and has established cooperative relationships with many car companies., some designated vehiclesfivecardpoker...

fivecardpoker| Huasei Navigation: The company is the exclusive supplier of IMU-BOX for Xiaomi SU7 series products

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China Test Navigation: The company is the exclusive supplier of IMU-BOX to Xiaomi's SU7 series products. Securities Times e Company News. Huasei Navigation (300627) accepted an agency survey on April 26 that the company has completed the construction of a vehicle-level automation production line and has cooperated with a number of car companies. Cooperation relationships have been established, and some designated models have been shipped in batches. With the development of passenger car autonomous driving technology, it is expected that more models will be delivered in mass production in the future. This part of the revenue is included in the company's robot and autonomous driving business segment, which achieved a revenue growth of 61.64% in 2023. Currently, the company is the exclusive supplier of IMU-BOX for Xiaomi SU7 series products.

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Category: Health

Title: fivecardpoker| Huasei Navigation: The company is the exclusive supplier of IMU-BOX for Xiaomi SU7 series products


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